DISCLAIMER:  We are in no way, offering medical advice or consultation.

What we are doing, is describing and explaining to you, what we have chosen to do in order to maintain a strong immune system.  We are simply sharing our preferred protocol that has been created over the past few years by our team of personal medical doctors.

We certainly understand that our protocol is not for everyone.  It works for us.  It may not be right for you.

We suggest that you consult your own medical doctor before using any or all of our preferred protocol.

If there was one thing that COVID taught us, it is that we must build on our body's natural immune system to battle all types of disease.

Over the past few years, after many consultations with our personal medical doctors, we have come up with an immune building protocol that has worked very well for us.

Listed below, you will see the full protocol that we use as a preventative regimen;

Because we live on a farm and work daily with livestock, we have opted to go beyond tradition with regard to Ivermectin.  Our preferred version of Ivermectin is the 1% Injectable Solution for Cattle and Swine.  There are a number of different brands available through farm and feed stores or the Internet.  The two most common are Aspen Vet Ivermax or Durvet Ivermectin.  The two most common size bottles are 50ml or 250ml.

While there are many places to purchase the Ivermectin 1% Injectable Solution for Cattle and Swine, here are two links to where you can buy these products:
Aspen Vet Ivermax
Durvet Ivermectin

If the above links do not have a supply on hand, simply do a Google search for "Ivermectin 1% Injectable Solution for Cattle and Swine".

Please note:  We do NOT use the "horse paste" or the "wipe on solution".  We only use the 1% "injectable" solution.  And, we do NOT inject it...  we drink it in water.

In order to work with the injectable solution, you will need 16-20 gauge needles and a syringes to extract the solution through the top of the bottle.  We buy needles and syringes from our local Tractor Supply, or our other local farm and feed stores.  Here are Tractor Supply links:
18 Gauge Needles

It is important to mix the correct amount of Ivermectin into your glass of water.  This is determined by body weight.  Below you will find a conversion chart that will explain how much Ivermectin is needed for your body weight.  The syringe will have either ml or cc listed;

70-90 lb / 32-40 kg   =   0.8 ml / cc
91-110 lb / 41-50 kg   =   1.0 ml / cc
111-130 lb / 51-59 kg   =   1.2 ml / cc
131-150 lb / 60-68 kg   =   1.35 ml / cc
151-170 lb / 69-77 kg   =   1.5 ml / cc
171-190 lb / 78-86 kg   =   1.6 ml / cc
191-210 lb / 87-95 kg   =   1.8 ml / cc
211-230 lb / 96-104 kg   =   2.0 ml / cc
231-250 lb / 105-113 kg   =   2.2 ml / cc
251- 270 lb / 114-122 kg   =   2.4 ml / cc
271-290 lb / 123-131 kg   =   2.6 ml / cc
291-310 lb / 132-140 kg   =   2.8 ml / cc

As a preventative, we do this one a week.

Much of this can be found at the FLCCC website and their page:  A Guide to Preventing COVID-19, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

If you have had one or more of the COVID mRNA vaccines, An Approach to Post-Vaccine Cardiovascular and Cancer Care may be of assistance to you.


When we came down with COVID in November of 2020, our doctors immediately prescribed Hydroxycloroquine as part of our treatment protocol.

We have opted to add Hydroxycloroquine to our preventative protocol by taking one 200mg dose per week.

Hydroxychloroquine is in a class of drugs called antimalarials and is also an antirheumatic drug. It works by killing the organisms that cause malaria. Hydroxychloroquine may work to treat rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

You cannot buy Hydroxycloroquine over the counter.  You must have your doctor write a prescription.

You may want to contact Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD to set up a telemedicine consultation to determine if Hydroxycloroquine would be helpful to you.  If you use the Cowboy Logic Promo Code:  1776, you will receive a 5% discount with Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD.


VITAMIN D3  -  5,000iu / 125mg
We take D3 daily.  One or two 5,000iu (international unit) / 125mg per day, without fail.

Vitamin D3 is readily available at most grocery stores or chain drugstores.  But if you prefer to order online, you may do so HERE.


We also take a dose of Quercetin daily.  There are two types that we have purchased over the past few years;  with Bromelain or without Bromelain.  When we can, we purchase the Quercetin with Bromelain, but if all you can find is straight Quercetin, that is just fine.

You can find Quercetin at vitamin stores or online.  Here is what we use:
Quercetin with Bromelain
Toniqq Quercetin


Dr. X Ray and Dr. Lee Merritt have discuss Fenbendazole in depth on Cowboy Logic.  Studies are showing Fenbendazole is successful in fighting cancer.  Similar to Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, Fenbendazole is yet, another anti-parasitic drug.  Here is a link to a US based company:  FENBENLAB


We have recently added Nicotinamide (NAD+ or NMN) to our daily preventative protocol.  Nicotinamide is anti-cholesteral / anti-plaque supplement.

The Solodate version that we use can be purchased on Amazon:  Solodate NAD+ / NMN


We have also recently added Nattokinase to our daily preventative protocol.  According to our Doctor's research, Nattokinase has been proven successful in rebuilding the cell damage and side effects of "long covid", but more importantly, can help counteract the damage caused by the Covid Jab and Boosters.  We take once a day.

The Nattokinase version that we use daily can be purchased on Amazon:  Nattokinase


We take this daily before going to bed.  It's a great anti-cancer supplement and is wonderful for the immune system as well.  We have purchased Chaga Mushroom Extract 4:1 from Pure Bulk.


Recently, we were introduced to a website that is designed or unvaccinated people to go to for "unvaccinated blood"...  The website is  -  After taking a look at this site, we are very interested in participating.


In closing, we again stress that this is our own immune building protocol.  We have been advised by our personal doctors based on our medical history as to how to adjust this protocol to our specific needs and objectives.  We encourage you to do your own research, and to consult with your own doctor to determine if this protocol is something you would like to use.

We hope this assists you as an outline for you to use to build your own immune system to help keep you healthy!