"We are so excited about Talk America Radio!  After our father's passing, we wanted to make sure that his radio legacy lived on.  Unfortunately, making that happen turned out to be harder than we ever imagined.

We hope this new network will be a true embodiment of Premo's hard work, dedication, and political passion.

We believe Talk America Radio will be the new representation of Premo's dream and we trust it will deliver with honesty and integrity.

We wholeheartedly endorse the launch of Talk America Radio and are so grateful to the team for carrying the conservative radio "torch" into the future."

Daughters of PREMO MONDONE, JR.

"The day I cannot pay tribute to, and continue the legacy of my dear friend and partner, Premo Mondone, will be the day I get out of radio."

- DON NEUEN, Cowboy Logic Radio Co-Host /
and former Partner Red State Talk Radio


"I can't think of a better way to pay tribute to the legacy of my long-time friend and visionary, Premo Mondone, than the creation of the Talk America Radio Network.  The lineup of talk show hosts is second to none.

I’m honored and proud to have worked with Premo and now to endorse the network that is dedicated to continue the fight for the conservative values, freedoms, and liberties he so loved."

- KEN BROWN, Red State Town Hall Co-Host


"It is with sincere pride that I offer Talk America Radio Network.

My far too brief conversations with Premo Mondone were a stepping stone into the world I wanted to get back into.

Premo not only was generous with his time, but was so dedicated to his craft that it drove my decision to launch Talk America Radio and then to become part of the legacy that he left us all."

- RON PHILLIPS, Owner - MOJO.50 Radio Network


PREMO MONDONE, the founder of Red State Talk Radio, passed away on February 27, 2016.

In 2009, he created his own very successful radio show, "Red State Town Hall" with co-host and long time friend, Ken Brown.

In May of 2010, Premo created Red State Talk Radio and revolutionized the Internet conservative talk radio industry, becoming one of the most successful and award-winning digital broadcast stations of all time.

In early 2015, Donna Fiducia and Don Neuen, of WDFP - Restoring America Radio, formed a partnership and merged their network with Premo to create the "Dominant Force in Conservative Internet Talk Radio".

The combined powerhouse of Premo Mondone, Donna Fiducia, Don Neuen and multiple terrestrial radio stations (AM/FM) owner, Scott James created the perfect marriage between Internet & Terrestrial radio.

After Premo’s passing, the trio of Donna Fiducia, Don Neuen and Scott James (WDDQ,WJHC, WSFB and WJEM), along with the addition of new Internet partners Ron Phillips, (founder of iCRN – Internet Conservative Radio Network), and Gene Berardelli (Behind Enemy Lines Radio) combined forces to continue the legacy of Premo Mondone.

Their objective: Create and develop the NEW Dominant Force in Conservative Internet Talk Radio  -  Talk America Radio.

Talk America Radio features original, grassroots, alternative radio programming with a focus on worldwide distribution via the Internet, as well as the continued marriage between Internet and terrestrial (AM/FM) radio.

Many of the show hosts that worked with Premo over the years have jumped on board with Talk America Radio and are thrilled to be able to contribute their talents toward continuing the legacy of Premo Mondone.

Premo was never one to beat around the bush.  He was always unfiltered and candid.  All those who worked with Premo unanimously say: "Premo made me a better talk show host!"

The Executive Team of Talk America Radio is working to create The Premo Mondone Foundation, which will provide Internships for students at radio stations.

It is in the loving memory of PREMO MONDONE, that we have created Talk America Radio.

And it is in the spirit of PREMO MONDONE that we welcome you to the NEW Dominant Force in Conservative Internet Talk Radio.